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Blog: Blog2
Writer's pictureMary Hill

The English Language...

Have you ever learned another language or tried too?

The first thing you learn is the language's alphabet. What is important to know about the alphabet is, it is a serious of symbols that are used to formulate words which then formulate sentences. It stems from thoughts and those thoughts were put into pictures and then formal symbols were created which always stand for something.

Let's take a deeper look...

If we look at the letter c we think "cah". We can relate c to cat the sound /c/. But /c/ is not always /c/. Read these words: city, center, cycle. /C/ is no longer "cah" but "ssssss". But wait k is some times kah /k/ like in kite. And so is "ck" which sounds like /c/ or /k/ just like in the word back. As well as the sound /s/ in the word saw is made by the letter s and not c like in city, center, cycle. This is tricky. This is complicated. But don't forget /c/ doesn't have the "ah" at the end because we don't actually say c-ah-at!

When we learned English, we learned all these rules. "I before e except after c". But what about the word weird? Then we learned there are exceptions to the rules and exceptions to exceptions... thanks English. So how does it all make sense?

But what's important is that we understand symbols are ways we represent thoughts. Back is with a ck because it is or maybe because we hear /k/ at the end of the word and not the beginning like in kite. But back is b-a-c-k but it is! We use s in is but c in ice. Letters are the symbols that represent sounds and there are no rules that can't be broken.

So let's find patterns, find and create our own ideas as principals not rules! Rules that are broken make rules unreliable to follow. So as we dig into phonics and into letters and sounds always remember they are symbols as ways to represent our thoughts!

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